Archive for the ‘Views Online’ Category

Can’t Wait to Experience Again the Fasching Festival in Dietfurt

It is carnival season again in Germany. Germans call it Fasching, Fastnacht or Fasnet. Other German-speaking countries have also other names for carnival. In Germany, fasching or carnival season begins each year on 11 November at 11:11 a.m. Also called as Fifth Season, it finishes on Ash Wednesday of the following year with the main […]

Listening to the Choir in Budapest Christmas Market

It was another pleasant trip to this beautiful Hungarian capital. It was my third visit to this city and I still want to come back again in the future.  Of course,  if I am given the chance and finances to visit it again. My recent trip was  quite a special  one  because I  was able […]

Had Fun in Fremont, Las Vegas

It’s been over a year now since my last visit in Las Vegas. Thanks to my donors and sponsors for making it happened! lolz! It was my second visit in this “Gaming and Entertainment Capital of the World”. Las Vegas is truly fabulous and worth to visit. The famous vault canonpy known as the Space […]

Fun at the Beer Tent in Munich’s Oktoberfest

I know it is Halloween season now but let me remember the fun I had when I visited the largest festival in this planet. Yes, it is in Munich’s Oktoberfest where I really had so much fun! Can you imagine witnessing this very awesome celebration? For those who experienced it, I know for sure you […]

Listening to Bavarian Folk Music in Hofbrauhaus, Berchtesgaden

It was quite a surprise trip. We don’t really know what was the exact itinerary. I invited two friends who travelled with me that time. It was also very cheap because we only paid 5.00 Euros for each person. It was winter last February 2013 and the weather was really cold. No matter what season […]

Enjoyed Watching A Live Band in Munich

This is one thing you will always experience when visiting big cities in Europe like Munich. You can always find street performers and artists in some corners of the city. The musicians in Munich. ©

Street Performers in Beilngries

It is good to reminisce travels from the past. I am trying to browse one of my external hard drives where my travel photos are saved and stored. While browsing, I found some images taken during our sightseeing in Beilngries. It is is a town in the district of Eichstätt, in Bavaria, Germany. Musicians or […]

Learning Some Things While on A Cruise

Yes, you can learn a lot when you travel! That is why I did not wonder anymore when I read a travel quote that says, “Traveling is expensive but it is one of the things that will make you rich”. I truly agree on these words. How about you? The Theaterium in Aidabella cruise ship.

Visit to the Irish Pubs in Doolin

I am missing Ireland! I guess I left a part of my heart in that country. The freezing weather in our place now truly makes me miss Ireland. Another reason is, I love the scenery and the landscape in that country especially the ones I saw along the lakes and seas. Anyway, back to main […]

The Opera City of Bayreuth

Have you heard about Richard Wagner? If you do, you might be very familiar about the city of Bayreuth in Bavaria, Germany. This city is also famous for its annual festival, the Bayreuth Festival, called in German as Bayreuther Festspiele, a world-famous show at which performances of operas by the 19th century German composer Richard […]